
Space Wizard Science Fantasy Books: 12 books and 2 RPGs coming in Year 3!

Created by Space Wizard Science Fantasy

We are an indie publishing house focusing on queer science fiction and fantasy. This is our third year bringing you amazing scifi and fantasy stories!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

First books shipping out!
6 months ago – Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 05:36:31 PM

Hi folks!

We're back from our travels across Scotland and at WorldCon in Glasgow. It was an amazing trip, but I'm glad to be home! Here are some pictures, including on with several Space Wizard authors! It was great to have a mini-reunion, and I got to meet a couple of the authors I work with for the first time in person!

In other news, I'm shipping out the first batch of books tomorrow. I'll have several more going out soon, but I realized I was almost out of a lot of the pins and keychains ordered in the campaign, and the person who makes them for me was on the tour with me! So I've got to wait for those to be made and shipped to me, and then I'll get the next shipment out.

While you're waiting for your books, can I interest you in...more books?

We're running our new campaign in September for Lesbians in Space: Where no Man Has Gone Before! This will be a collection of sapphic stories in space, coming out June 2025. It's part of BackerKit's Booktopia, running from September 5-26, where a bunch of indie authors will be showcasing their projects! I'm working with a group that's offering an exclusive deck of cards, based on our stories. You can collect the whole set if you back all of our projects!

We also have some surprises for you coming out of WorldCon. We were able to do some networking while we were there, and now have one confirmed Hugo award-winning author who will be contributing a story, and a few more who are still tentative. We may have some big names in this book, so keep an eye on the project to see who's announced!

Until next time!

William Tracy

Published eBooks sent!
6 months ago – Sun, Jul 28, 2024 at 02:45:54 PM

Hi Folks,

Just a quick update that I'm sending out all the already published eBooks today, so you might get a few emails if you got more than one. Make sure to check your spam folder. The email(s) should be coming from Bookfunnel,  and will have instructions to help you download and read you new book! If you got a paperback copy of that book, you'll be receiving an eBook copy as well.

That's all for now!

William Tracy

Orders Locking!
6 months ago – Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 06:55:36 AM

Hi Folks,

Thanks to everyone who's filled out their survey! We now have only about 20 folks who haven't filled theirs' out. I just pressed the button to lock existing orders, so that means you have until Sunday to put in any addition addons.
You will be able to change your address until shipping starts in late August. After that, you can send me a message if anything changes.

We've got some amazing books coming out this year, so stay tuned! You'll get any eBooks before the official release date, and I'll be getting paperback books to you as soon as I possibly can. Thanks again for backing the campaign!

If you want even more Space Wizard books, be sure to check out Lesbians in Space: The Anthology, starting September 5th with BackerKit's Booktopia!

That's all for now!

William Tracy

Locking orders on Friday!
7 months ago – Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 07:03:16 AM

Hi Folks,

We have an impressive 85% completion rate on the surveys so I'll be locking the orders this Friday 07/26. Then I can start sending out existing ebooks that people have backed! If you can get your survey complete by then, even better! I sent out the eBooks for Talio's Codex a few days ago, so let me know if you haven't gotten yours.

We'll be leaving for Scotland at the end of July, so if you're attending WorldCon this year, make sure to say hi! I'll start shipping out physical books as soon as I get back, starting with the ones that are already released and following quickly with Talio's Codex and Space Station X.

For now, check out our NEW campaign for Lesbians in Space: The Anthology, starting September 5th with BackerKit's Booktopia! I'm also going to be partnered with Aimee Cozza, who's writing The Warm Machine, about gay robots falling in love!

Be sure to follow and back both campaigns, because if you do, you'll get some extra bonus rewards! In fact, a bunch of our campaigns will be featuring a collectible card set, so you can back all of them to get the whole deck. Gotta catch 'em all!

That's all for now!

William Tracy

The first eBook is released!
7 months ago – Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 07:22:11 PM

Hi Folks,

Just a quick update: if you backed an eBook reward that contains an e-copy of Talio's Codex, you should be getting an email from Bookfunnel with information on how to download it momentarily!

Surveys are 81% complete, so great work (almost) everyone! I'm still waiting for the last few stragglers to fill them out (yes, I'm looking at YOU) so get those in so I can start sending out rewards! Space Wizard has a very quick turnaround, especially with the first few books, and I want to get them into your hands as soon as possible. I have the paperbacks ordered and on the way, but my wife and I will be traveling to Scotland the first two weeks of August for a tour, and then we'll be attending WorldCon (the world science fiction and fantasy convention). I'll be on some panels and have a table in the dealer's room, so if you happen to be there, come say hi!

The first shipments will likely be sent out when we get back, and I hope to have advance copies of Space Station X ready to go by that point as well!

Thanks again for backing the campaign, and happy reading!

P.S. remember to check out our NEW campaign for Lesbians in Space: The Anthology, starting September 5th!

William Tracy